Recent college-level teaching at the University of Alaska Fairbanks
NRM F338: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (Fall 2019)
A junior-level undergraduate introductory GIS class, offered in the Natural Resources Management program, but also part of the curriculum in Geography/Environmental Studies, Geography/Geospatial Science and Wildlife Biology and Conservation. A lab-heavy course focussed on learning how to solve geospatial problems, mostly using Alaska data. Using ArcGIS Pro.
GEOS F436/636: Beyond the Mouse: Computer Programming and Automation for Geoscientists (Fall 2018)
A senior-level undergraduate course simultaneously offered as a graduate course in the geosciences department. Learn to program with MATLAB. Students who already use a different scientific scripting language such as Python or R can continue to build their skills in their preferred environment. Shell scripting. Software project mangagement with Github. Making publicaition-ready figures and maps with various scripting tools.
GEOS F120: Glaciers, Earthquakes, Volcanoes (Lab instructor, 2016/2017)
As a Graduate Teaching Assistant, I taught altogether four lab sections of this popular undergraduate course designed for non-science majors. This course fulfils a science requirement without a higher mathematics prerequisite and is also part of the curriculum of the elementary education program. The weekly lab is very hands-on, using various modeling materials, maps, microscopes, snow and ice samples, rocks and other objects to teach basic glaciology, seismology and volcanology. In parallel, students improve their geospatial and quantiative skills, and learn how to extract information from maps.